Monday, June 1, 2009

It's Coming

Hey all you ninety-niners, put your life on hold and mark your calendars for August 14th and 15th. We are having our 10 year reunion! Can you believe it, 10 years already?

Holly, Sara, and Karisa have been working on some tentative plans.
Here they are . . .drumroll please. . . .
Friday (14th)- Adult dinner at the boat docks
It's going to be really casual and laid back. You've done enough work to get here (trying to reverse the past 10 years effects- like diets and Rogaine treatments) we didn't think it needed to be stuffy and stressful. We've got some great food lined up.
Saturday morning- 5K benefit fun run for Mr. Call
If you haven't heard, he's been battling cancer, so we wanted to help out.
Saturday - family lunch
Bring your little brood to Storybook Park and show them off. We're having lunch by Taco Bandido

We've got the groundwork laid out, now we just need some man power to pull of the events.
Volunteer for a committee (or two or three) today!

If you'd be interested in playing detective, wearing trenchcoats, and tracking down classmates, we've got just the place for you. Bring your super sluthing skills to the Public Relations Committee. We'll need a lot of help in getting the word out.

Are you a philanthropist at heart, just looking for a way to contribute to the greater good? We'll put you to work on the Mr. Call 5K committee. (No running experience required.)
-we're looking for Event sponsors, a t-shirt design, route planning

Maybe you'd rather show up {early} and be put to work. We could arrange for that. We need help on the Venues Committee (like decorations, setting up, or clean up.)

Have you got mad computer skills, photography experience, or a yodeling reportoire? Great! Let us know. We can find a job for you.

We've made it easy for you to enlist. Simply leave us a comment (make sure to include some contact info) or email us at